# ApplybyAPI, an interesting way to get qualified software engineers candidates

After finished, Junior To Senior Web Developer (opens new window) & Js Advanced Concepts (opens new window) from Zero To Mastery Academy (opens new window), i jump in to find remote software developers jobs.

RemoteOK is a website created by https://twitter.com/levelsio (opens new window), a digital nomad that i really appreciated, and in there i found a job post using ApplybyAPI (opens new window)

# The process

Send a POST request to https://applybyapi.com/gentoken/ with a valid JSON object in the POST body containing:
    a `posting` key
    the ID of this posting as the value

If your POST request is correct, you will receive a token that is valid for 5 minutes.

Send a POST request to https://applybyapi.com/apply/ with:
    a content-type of multipart/form-data
    required fields token, name, and email
    supply your resume as an attachment (must be PDF) with the resume field name
    optional fields phone, employer, source, or comments

A successful application will return an application ID, and you will receive an email confirmation.

# How to do it

  • Download Postman (opens new window)
  • Send the Post message to generate the token.
    • Note: the posting value will change depend on the company job post, be careful. Token receive to send resume
  • Send the final Post which will contain your resume for the recruiters Resume sended using Postman

That's it, congrats you now you'll receive an email confirmation. If you didn't receive any email confirmation, try again, if the issue persist, keep looking my friend.

P.D.: You can find also such courses on Udemy Junior to Senior Web Developer (opens new window) Js Advanced Concepts (opens new window)

Last Updated: 11/23/2020, 6:23:44 PM