# How I learned 2 courses from Zero To Mastery Academy


  • I use google spreadsheet to measure how much time it took me
  • 2 hours daily per course
  • Review verbally what i’d learn ( some neighbor might thinks i’m crazy )
  • Make a written summary of main concepts per video
  • Fully immerse on the topic
  • Turn off any potential distractions
  • Be proactive when learning ( ask question and find answer )
  • Do exercises ( physical and from the course )
  • Meditate

# How it all started?

Thanks to pandemic outbreak, and after work for a startup in New Hampshire, Blackfly Delay Tracking (opens new window). I find out myself the need to improve my skill to understand in a much more deep level the tools i’m using. There is a massive gigantic amount of information but i’ll mentioned just the modules for the sake of example

# Junior to Senior Web Developer 2021

21 April 2020 – 12 Nov 2020 ( 6 months & 22 days ), Course (opens new window), you can find them also on Udemy.

	- Symmetrical encryption
	- Asymmetrical encryption
	- Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange Algorithm

- Performance
	- Front End
		- Critical Rendering Path
		- Code Splitting
		- Tree Shaking
		- PWA
	- Network
		- File Optimizations
		- Delivery Optimizations
	- Back End
		- CDN
		- Compression Algorithm ( Gzip & Brotli )
		-  Database Scaling
		- Cache
		- Load Balancer
		- Proxy server ( i.e. nginx)
- React
- Redux
- Module Bundlers ( Webpack, Rollout, Parcel )
- Testing
	- Unit/Integration/Automation
	- Jest
	- Enzyme
- Typescript
- Security
	- Injections
	- 3rd Party Lib
	- Logging
	- HTTPS everywhere
	- Code Secret
	- Secure Headers
	- Data Management
		- Backups
		- Encryptions ( bcrypt, aragon2 …)
	- Authentication
- Code Review
- Docker
	- Port forwarding
	- Volumes
	- Docker-compose
- Redis
- Authentication
	- Cookie
	- JWT
	- Hybrid
	- EC2
	- S3
	- DynamoDB
	- Cloudfront
	- Lambda Functions
	- CircleCi

# Js Advanced Concepts

1 July 2020 - 15 nov 2020 ( 3 months & half ) Course (opens new window), you can find them also on Udemy.

- JS Engine
- Creator of JS
- Js Engines ( Spidermonkey, Chackra, V8 )
- V8 anatomy
	- Parse
	- AST
	- Interpreter
	- Compiler
	- Profiler
- Writing optimize code ( Memoization )
- Memory Heap
- Call Stack
- Garbage Collector
	- Mark & Sweep Algorithm
- Memory Leaks
- Single Thread & Synchronous
- Process, Workers, Concurrency
- Execution Environments
	- Global
		- Creation Stage
		- Execution Stage
	- Function
		- Creation Stage
		- Execution Stage
- Hoisting
- Lexical Environments
- Scope Chain
- Function vs Block Scope
- this
- Lexical & Dynamic Scope
- call, apply & bind
- Javascript Data Types
- Primitive & Non-Primitive
- Type coersion
	- prototype vs __proto__
- Closures & Benefits
	- factory functions
	- store
	- Object.create
	- function constructors
	- class ( ES6 )
- FP
	- Pure functions
	- Referential transparency
	- Immdepotence
	- Imperative vs Declarative
	- Immutability
	- High Order Function ( HOF )
	- Closures
	- Currying
	- Partial Applications
	- Compose & Pipe
	- Arity
- Composition vs Inheritance
- Inheritance Problems
- Modules
	- Common.js
	- AMD
	- ES6
- Error Handling

There is a couple of cheatsheet you can find out there of JS, this (opens new window) help me most of it. reated by Brittney Postma (opens new window)

If you read at this point and you want to look for changing a career, or improve your skills, please take of your health first and make some small progressions daily, reward yourself and you’ll see the accumulative effect is ASTONISH.

Last Updated: 11/24/2020, 4:10:56 PM